

Become a Member at CBC

"And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. " Acts 2:47 

God calls Christians to worship together in a local church comprised of a body of believers. We believe that the true Church is composed of all persons who, through saving faith in Jesus Christ, have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. We believe that a local, visible New Testament church is a congregation of baptized believers associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship, which meets together for worship, teaching and preaching of God' s Word, the observance of the ordinances of Christ and is governed by the teachings of His Word with the only Scriptural offices being pastors, elders and deacons, whose qualifications and duties are defined in the epistles of Paul. 

To join a church is to commit yourself to worship, pray, grow in your faith and serve together. We are grateful you are considering making Christ Baptist Church your home church. We seek every aspect of the Christ Baptist ministry to be conducted in accordance with Biblical principles. We want each prospective member to understand what the ministry of Christ Baptist is all about, including our beliefs and approach to ministry, so you can determine if God is calling you to make this church your home. 

Three Qualifications and a Four Step Process

Transfer of Letter

 After you have completed all four steps of the CBC membership process, we will contact your previous church and request a change of membership (transfer of letter).

Statement of Faith

If you have trusted Christ as your Savior either in the past or as part of the membership process here, your statement of testimony to that fact provides a basis for membership.


If you have been baptized by immersion since becoming a believer in Christ, this provides a basis for membership. Christ Baptist Church requires immersion based on scripture in Romans 6:3-4 and Colossians 2:11-12 describing the identification with Christ though baptism by immersion.

Membership Process

Step 1

  • Express your desire to join at the conclusion of the worship service
  • Receive an explanation of the membership process and a church information packet
  • Share how you became a believer or how you can know Jesus as your personal Savior

Step 2

  • Receive believer's baptism by immersion if you have not been previously baptized as a believer by immersion into a Christian church.
  • Children under 12 years of age desiring baptism will also meet with the Children's Ministry Director to discuss their understanding of baptism. 

Step 3

  • Complete the New Member Class offered monthly.
  • Children under 12 years of age desiring to join the church will meet with the Children's Ministry Di rector to discuss what it means to be a church member. 

Step 4

  • Sign the Membership Covenant after the first three steps.
  • Bring it forward and be introduced to the congregation.
  • Allow the congregation to vote you into the membership CBC.
  • Membership will be requested by Christ Baptist from your former church (if applicable).

Membership Covenant

CBC Members Will

Seek the unity of CBC by:

  • acting in love toward other members
  • refusing to gossip and by following godly leadership


  • praying for its spiritual health
  • inviting the unchurched to attend
  • warmly welcoming those who attend


  • serve by my shepherds
  • develop a servant's heart


  • attending faithfully
  • living a godly life
  • giving regularly of my financial resources

CBC Community Vision

What We Desire To Do
Covenant Community

Covenant Community

We will see one another as partners in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, loving one another as Christ has first loved us as we each contribute our time, talents, and spiritual giftedness in the ministry to which God has called us. 

Teaching Community

Teaching Community

We will equip everyone to fulfill the ministry to which God has called them by teaching the Word of God.

Worshiping Community

Worshiping Community

We will foster a spirit of lifestyle worship where every moment is lived in recognition of the presence of God, gathering weekly in the corporate worship of Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Praying Community

Praying Community

We will practice the discipline of prayer individually, corporately, and in small groups.

Witnessing Community

Witnessing Community

We will equip people to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child in our community, in North Carolina, in America and in every place around the world.

Family-Centered Community

Family-Centered Community

We will teach and encourage husbands and wives to love and honor one another and to develop strong families where believing parents teach and model the Word of God to their children.

Additional Information

If you need additional information about church membership, please contact us. We would love to talk with you!