Discover God's Truth


God's Truth


God's Design

God created everything, and everything He created was good. God made us not only to worship Him, but also to enjoy relationship with Him and all that He had created.

Sin and Brokenness

Human rebellion against God (sin) introduced evil and suffering into the world. Our sin has resulted in brokenness within us - our thoughts, will, and desires - and outside of us - relationships and unfulfilling work. We suffer the consequences both of our own sin and that of others.


God provided salvation from our sin by sending his Son to become human in order to take the place of sinful humanity in receiving the judgement that is due for our sin. That's why Jesus died, but because He was without sin, he was raised to life again.

Repent and Believe

Everyone who believes that Jesus died the death they deserve because of their sin, and who asks God to forgive them of their sin, will be saved. Our bodies will still die but we will live forever without sin.

Recover and Pursue

When someone repents of their sin and believes in Jesus, they begin a lifelong journey of pursuing what is right, true and good. God graciously gives us all we need in this life and promises to bless us into the next.

If you'd like to talk to someone further about God's design for your life, contact us at or call 919-573-5454. We'd love to talk with you!
